
Save Money with These 7 Really Useful Free Software Solutions


Dec 2020

Save Money with These 7 Really Useful Free Software Solutions

Buying a computer itself is expensive enough, but once you start adding extras like subscriptions to Microsoft Office, getting anything done starts to become very expensive! If you look around, there are some great free alternatives which work like many of the standard programs you need day-to-day, chances are you just have not heard of them. Here are some suggestions to get you going: 1....

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Are Short Term Loans an Answer when you have a Bad Credit Rating?


Jun 2020

Are Short Term Loans an Answer when you have a Bad Credit Rating?

With COVID-19 causing devastation to the UK economy, many people are looking at ways to ‘make ends meet’, which is especially difficult with a poor credit score! Short term borrowing such as payday advances can cause more problems than they solve! Is a short term loan really the answer? It may be tempting for anyone with bad credit problems to think that a short term...

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Your Credit Score Explained


Jun 2020

Your Credit Score Explained

Your credit score is a number that the credit referencing agencies put against your credit file for lenders to quickly assess how ‘creditworthy’ you are to lend to or not! In the ‘good old days’, to get a loan you would meet the bank manager and they would make their decision to lend based on many factors, your credit score is only one. Though in...

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