If you are in debt, and especially if you are struggling to make your repayments, you know only too well the stress and anxiety this can cause 😞. There are many levels of debt that people get into, in this article, we look at a few things we can all do right now to start getting your debts under your control. Step 1: Do...
Effective debt management is essential for saving money and making the most of the amount you earn. However, it can often be difficult to show the financial discipline needed to ensure that you do not make a bad situation worse. Being financially responsible will require some hard work in the very beginning. Think about your behavior, identify the biggest mistakes you’ve committed and chosen...
There can be no hiding that debt is a big deal and can become a problem that can be very difficult to overcome if it is allowed to build to an unmanageable level. Many people across the globe are burdened by mounting debt and whilst some people can manage their debt strategically until all outstanding amounts are repaid, there are a far greater number of...
The common thought is that getting more credit is the worst thing to do. We discuss a few select cases where borrowing more money could help, in particular debt consolidation. Lower your monthly debt payments? Debt rarely builds in one place at a time; a couple of credit cards along with recurrent bills and an overdraft, and all of a sudden, you’re paying money here,...
UK payday lenders are great at telling prospective customers what they want to hear. However, when it comes to expensive loans, information you may not want to hear can often be far more important. Check out the 5 things payday lenders will not tell you.
With the current economic climate, personal debt has never been higher. Whilst few people enjoy taking out a loan, the truth of the matter is that when times are hard and we need a little extra cash, turning to a financial institution to borrow some money is often the only realistic option. However, if you are faced with mounting debt and decreasing credit rating can...
Brexit, the US & China trade war, and general global economic uncertainty has resulted in many people in the UK suffering with a declining financial situation, difficulty in borrowing money, and the threat of personal insolvency. In this article we look at personal bankruptcy and other options. Bankruptcy Discussed One of the most effective ways of clearing substantial debt quickly is opting for personal bankruptcy....
Did you know that your credit score can ultimately impact your ability to borrow money using different means such as; credit cards, loans, and mortgages? We guess that you probably already knew that, however, there are also many other ways in which your score can impact your life. If you have a number of black marks on your personal finance history, it is important to...
Sometimes declaring personal bankruptcy can seem to be the only realistic option for anyone faced with an overwhelming amount of debt. However, one does need to take into account all the consequences of bankruptcy. Below we have identified a list of seven of the major consequences that you need to seriously think about before you choose this extreme option. No. 1 – You may lose...
One way to gain control over spending is a prepaid card. Are you one of the ever-growing number of people in the UK who find juggling their finances difficult? Below we have identified 4 ways which these cards can be used to help you control your spending habits. 1. You Cannot Exceed The Limit With a debit or credit card, you have to be very...